AF Micro Adjustment - Professional

HOT in demand feature for Individual Lenses!

AF Micro Adjust - Professional provides an automated procedure using electronic focus measurements ….. not just 'eyeball' focus evaluations!  AF focus calculations includes taking the accuracy of the lenses focus motor into account for the final value.




This procedure is faster, much more accurate and more RELIABLE then any existing methods!  Calibration can be performed in just a few minutes!

SPT software provides an automated procedure for finding the best AF Mirco Adjust value for any registered lens.  It uses a single flat chart to measure the phase difference at the AF sensor for perfect focus achieved by LiveView and compares it with the phase difference achieved by normal AF.  A measurement is made of the accuracy of the lenses focusing motor, and this is taken into account for calculating the final value.

Our procedure also gives you the option to save the results of the micro-adjust calibration to your PC.  The report can be printed or emailed to your customer.


Zoom Lens AF Micro Adjust:
Some models even allow AF Micro Adjust to be set separately for the telephoto and Wide angle extremes of Zoom Lenses.  To perform both, you need to follow the calibration procedure twice - one for each zoom setting.


SPT has really outdone itself!

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